Logging in on the new site - github intergration?

Looks like the site has been upgraded but unfortuntely I am no longer able to login. The login page now takes me to a screen asking for my email address and then it sends me a code. How do I log in with github so I can pick up where I left off instead of being forced to start from scratch?

I created my account with GitHub 3 years ago, and always had to log in with it before. I used my email address (which was in my profile but not my login method) and when I connected with the passwordless authentication, all of my progress and account preferences were there.

I always log in with my GitHub account but now i enter my e-mail but i lost all my progress ?
what can i do ?

As the email you received from FCC says:

Iā€™m assuming that this is your profile, so itā€™s clearly not lost. Quincy is actively responding to emails all day because migrations are messy. If the account that you connected to via email is not connecting to your profile, he can help. Heā€™s just one man though, so try to be as patient as you can.

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oh! thanks ArielLeslie .
Iā€™m gonna wait patience . :slightly_smiling_face:

@widjos if you do a hard refresh of the learn.freecodecamp.org page you should then be able to see your past progress.

Is there some indication whether youā€™re logged in at all? Iā€™m in the same position and the login button always sends me to the verification form.

@lynxlynxlynx maybe we only need to wait cuz the issues of the new imagen of the page is having troubles with verification our accounts because my account is there , itā€™s not lost.

When youā€™re looking logged in you should see ā€˜Settingsā€™ instead of ā€˜Loginā€™.

Even I canā€™t login using github. Hard refresh didnā€™t help. I hope I donā€™t lose my progress :fearful:

You linked to the same thread. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I know. The answer from 30 minutes ago is still relevant.

What worked for me was: manually log out and retry with the email and now numeric code.

Yup. Thatā€™s how you will log in from now on.

I was trying to sing with the new link below with my GitHub Account but now it need that i update a email adress , so i try enter two differents email addres but when i get the email confirmation it give me that ? whatā€™s wrong ?

@widjos , I got the same error about a half hour ago, you canā€™t completely delete an account either as that feature is not working yet, better to let the dust settle and email the @team address


Iā€™ve tried logging in with my email associated with github but I ā€œloginā€ to a blank account with no progress. My profile is here.

As the email you received from FCC says:

Quincy is actively responding to emails all day because migrations are messy. If the account that you connected to via email is not connecting to your profile, he can help. Heā€™s just one man though, so try to be as patient as you can.

Unlike with every other site, the email verification for old log in doesnā€™t actually properly log you in after confirmation. Log off manually and log in again with the email.