Look for a Mentor to help me out deploy an application to a live server

Hey there!

I am studying computer science in the second year and working as a “working student”(German system) in a company.

As of my own projects I am currently working on a CakePHP (MVC Framework) application. The prototype runs on my local machine, but of course I want to get it up and running for real, that is to say to a live server. I’ve chosen Heroku for that. However, I struggle very hard to configure my application’s logic the right way as well as connecting the live database to it. Postgresql is to be used here, so that the CakePHP’s default SQLite database will be substituted.

A lot of new things for me. I already have an understanding how to get it up there but there are tiny bits missing…
I already messed things up a few times but luckily I had some recent time machine versions :slight_smile:

As I never lack personal projects I will be glad having some motivated person on my side. My future projects will most likely be programmed in JavaScript and Java as core technologies.
Surely I will be able to help you out as well at some point! And maybe we can arrange some nice beer shipment to your place if all goes well :wink:

Have to read this? https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/deploying-php

The application is deployed to Heroku but I am not sure about the specific configurations for CakePHP. Which of course are not declared in the Heroku docu and neither in the CakePHP docu afaik.
(for example I cannot use the app at all when DebugKit is on -> there is always an exception)