Looking for some feedback on my Tribute page

I just started the FCC course a few weeks ago, so I am completely new to coding. This is my first attempt at the tribute page project. https://codepen.io/jester070993/full/wrKeQd

I feel pretty good about it, but I am just looking for some general feedback, suggestions, comments, etc. on the page, as I continue onto the next project on FCC.


Hi there, I really like your page, Especially the “Jerry Garcia’s Guitars” part. Ow your links sont work, I think you can solve this by adding “target=_blank” after href=" ".
my suggestion would be making the guitar pics the same size, same way you did for the main pic. and put it in the grid, so it’ll look more organized.

How did you do the cropped picture thing? i noticed you used border radius? I struggled with image placement on my tribute,
I posted a topic as well, maybe you can help me.

well done

great thank you! I didn’t realize that/know about the links like that. I added target=_blank after all of them and they all work now. thank you!
as for the picture up top - I gave it the style=“border radius: 1500%”. Not really sure about the size, as I just played around with the % to get a radius that I liked, and then I also adjusted the actually size of the image by giving it the CSS class of “Smaller-image”, playing around with the width until I found a good size, 600px for mine. if you want to make it cropped though - just do border radius and play around with the percentage.
I’ll take a look at your page right now -