Looking for some Portfolio Project feedback & Advice

Hey I’m looking for some feedback and advice on my portfolio page. It uses bootstrap, jquery, and font-awesome.
My main concern is what can I do to attract employers with this page I’m also pretty concerned with my css code as I often times can end up with a big mess of spaghetti code when writing css, is there some precautions I can take so my css and/or code in general looks more clean? I already have a habit of trying commenting code, it is a nightmare going back to look at code and not knowing what it is.


Good work there!

Here are my observations:

  • Reduce the footer size. It is too large
  • The line after the section title does not look quite good
  • Work on website colors. For a start, you can refer this link

Keep on working on your page until you’re satisfied :wink:

All the best!


Thanks for the help and advice so far guys, I’ve followed most of your advice so far and I think it looks a lot better but I’m not really sure how I should go about with the colors.