Match a Literal String with Different Possibilities1

Tell us what’s happening:
oh this is hard I can do it

Your code so far

let petString = "James has a pet cat.";
let petRegex = /Emma has a pet rock./; // Change this line
let result = petRegex.test(petString);

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Link to the challenge:

You need to match using the or operation between the strings you wanna match. Like the example it show, if you put/cat|dog/ as regex in the string "You are a cat people?" it match the "cat" and in the string "You are a dog people?" it match the "dog".
Hope it help you.

I write that code:
let petString = “James has a pet cat.”;
let petRegex = /cat|dog/; // Change this line
let result = petRegex.test(petString);

But tell me that:
// running test
Your regex petRegex should return true for the string “Emma has a pet bird.”
Your regex petRegex should return true for the string “Alice has a pet fish.”
// tests completed

from the challenge:

Complete the regex petRegex to match the pets “dog”, “cat”, “bird”, or “fish”.

Do you think your petRegex will match all four of these words?

I believe I will not match all 4 words.

You need to put all words you wanna match in the regex.

Thank you I got it tHank you for helping

You’re welcome.
Happing code!