Mutations Help with repeated characters

  var t=arr[0];
  var l=arr[1];
  var temp=[];
  for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++){
    for(var j=0; j<t.length; j++){
  var x=temp.length;
  var y=arr[1].length;
    return false;
  else return true;

Do you have a question? (Also, you should really format your code to make it easier to read)

The code works except when the string repeats characters. Also how do I format the code(i thought it was done automatically)?

if the character at position i in array l is in the other array push it into the temp array.

Thanks for the help. What you described is exactly what i’m asking about (hence help with repeated characters). I am asking if there is a simple solution with what i have above or if a different strategy would be easier.