My first portfolio website... what do you think?

Hello fellow campers,

Today I finally finished my first portfolio website ever. I’m not quite sure what to think of it but I kinda like it.
I used bootstrap’s grid and other properties to make the page as responsive as possible.

Let me know what you think?


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Hey John!!!

Good job with the page, you had some cool animations!!!

Pretty innovative!

I’d recommend fixing the user interface so people can scroll down and sections would pop up. Or at least one that doesn’t require users to click on the nav bar to see the content.

Great job and keep it up! :smile_cat:

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It looks nice but is not 100% compliant with the user stories you have been told to match :wink:
Taking requirements serious is - from my point of view - important. Coders we do have many. People who really understand requirements are less :wink:

Thank you for your positive feedback. I appreciate it :slight_smile:

Thanks for your feedback guys :slight_smile: I will create a new portfolio again completely from scratch that actually does implement all user stories this time. This project kinda dragged me away from the actual objective because I never have had any experience with jQuery before and it’s so awesome. :slight_smile:

I noticed that your html is clearly and nicely commented. Good job on that :slight_smile:

I totally get how you got carried away. I kept my own page as simple as possible just because I couldn’t quite make room for jQuery in my brain yet :stuck_out_tongue:

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