My first project in coding. Very exciting. Feel free to have a look

I finally started coding as I wanted to for years. Here’s my attempt at a tribute page

Please feel free to have a look and give feedback. I will appreciate any feedback. I didn’t try to do too much and go over the top.

I went for a clean look, but I think the main photo is too big.

What do you think?


Looks good. It is too wide on my phone, your top and bottom text run off the screen.

Thanx for feedback. I appreciate.

That’s pretty cool great work !!!

Thank you. I welcome any feedback

Wow! This looks great!

Thank you for the comment

@EugeneLCoetzee Good to see a fellow South African on the forums :smiley::sunglasses:

Your page looks good! The only issue I’m seeing is that the quote up top does not resize well on mobile (runs off the screen) Luckily there are many ways to fix that.

Good job!

Thanks for reaching out.

Yeah I noticed, but how do I go about fixing that?

Off the top of my head, here is my suggestion:

Since you are using Bootsrap, you can use some of the Boostrap responsive utility classes. That means that you can actually hide that quote on small and extra small screens by adding the .hidden-sm-down or .hidden-xs class to your <h3> element that contains the quote.

You can take a look at the different responsive utility classes here.

If you want some great tips about the fundamentals of Bootstrap, check out this playlist - I’m recommending that to almost everybody because it helped me so much.

If you want the quote to be visible on extra small screens, you can still do what I suggested above but then add it elsewhere in your markup again with the appropriate responsive classes and classes added to only display on extra small screens, for instance.

I hope this helps! There might be other, better ways to do it, but this is where I would start in this situation.

I welcome your feedback and will definitely look into it especially the bootstrap fundamentals. Thanks for responding to my question.

You’re welcome. Happy coding!

Looks great Eugene! For your first project of say you did great. Clean and looks good on my phone I don’t know if you already changed the run off but I wasn’t experiencing any, but the page looks really good. Good job!

Thank you for the comment. I went for a clean look and I’m glad to hear I pulled it off

Looks good, but the word “Strory” should be “Story” in the headline. Sorry, I have an eye for detail! :slight_smile:

Love it Eugene, congratulations.
Lately the trend has been large images and fonts on websites. Love the semi transparent quote!

Keep up the good work!

I will. Thank you for your positive comment.