My first webpage (tribute page)

Hey guys

I am Henry from Switzerland and completly new to FreeCodeCamp.
Today i have completed the tribute page exercise. I am looking forward to your feedback.


and sorry for my bad english :wink:


Looks excellent! I love the layout and the responsiveness is great. The only thing I could suggest is maybe adding a bit of padding in your three bottom content boxes. As they are now the text feels a little cramped. Even just something as simple as:

.textbox {
  background-color: #656565;
  line-height: 1.42857143;
  padding: 2%;
  margin-top: 2%;

Just gives them a little more breathing room. I added that margin-top by the way to offset the padding and give you that spacing again between the image and boxes.

Thank you so much for your feedback! You were absolutely right. I have changed it now.


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Excellent job. I found the layout very good.

Great job. Mine was kind of basic. Still learning. I guess I have to break some bad habits.