My portfolio page for review

There is no much data in it, but I appreciate feedback in terms of technology and design.

Thanks in advance

Maybe you can stack to contents of the about section and that of the footer on mobile. Also try using percent values for the left and right margins so they scale on smaller screen widths.

Add target="_blank" to your links too.

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Many thanks for feedback - this is really valuable.

Maybe you can stack to contents of the about section and that of the footer on mobile.
I don’t really get this, but I’ve fixed grid layout on smaller screens in “About” and “Contact” sections.

I guess what I said was vague. Try removing the col-xs classes in those sections so on mobile their contents are not squeezed in two columns.

Hi! Good start! In my opinion, once you’ve loaded bootstrap you should take full advantage from it, so I would have set the layout using its grid features (cols and cols-offset) instead of percentage margins. On mobile devices your ‘about’ img becomes too small: you could move it above the text setting the col-xs-12 class to it.

Thanks for feedback!

I guess what I said was vague. Try removing the col-xs classes in those sections so on mobile their contents are not squeezed in two columns.

Good point - it looks way better in 1 column.

In my opinion, once you’ve loaded bootstrap you should take full advantage from it, so I would have set the layout using its grid features (cols and cols-offset) instead of percentage margins.

I don’t know how to achieve that. Body margin works good when use with “jumbotron” class. Adding cols-offset add margin only on the left side of the grid. I’ve not found a way to add “right-side” margin using cols-offset.

You have to think the right margin as an empty space: i.e. col-*-6 col-*-offset-3 will set a centered column with a left 25% margin and a right withe space (a sort of faux-margin) on the right. To be sure that all will work as wanted you could insert your cols within a row div.

Thanks - that works like a charm:)

I’m wondering how to reduce size of the picture in About section when going to small screen. When resizing the picture is getting smaller, but after switching to xs it become unnaturally big. Any ideas from ‘Bootstrap’ world? (instead of using normal CSS size)