My Tribute Page dedicated to a very special superhero! :D

Here my Tribute Page task.

Any suggestion is welcome! :slight_smile:


Nice and fun tribute page! I Loved the story!

The page is well designed and responsive.
My only suggestion is to not use text-justify for small screens. I creates gaps in your text.

Good work!

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Thanks for your kind reply, Cecile!

Thanks for the observation, I agree with you (but haven’t noticed it before).
I start to think how i can solve it :wink: (the only guess, since now, includes js …have you any idea about how to do it with only html/css stuff?)

Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

I haven’t found a solution for this. I think text-justify just doesn’t work well for small screens.

Some people use a negative or positive word-spacing ( to try to make it look better (on small screens only), but it doesn’t always work. Maybe combined with a smaller font-size for small screens and using media query.

PS: You should avoid using h5 or any h for the main text in your articles. Headings should only be used for titles.

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I like. The “Mayas revisions” part is too cute. I think the likes and dislikes bar could be bigger as to fill that horizontal section, but thats just my opinion. :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot for your link, Cecile, i’ll get a look asap! And…[quote=“cecilebertin, post:4, topic:92364”]
You should avoid using h5 or any h for the main text in your articles. Headings should only be used for titles.
[/quote] you’re totally right! I choose the faster way :innocent:

Me and Maya thank you a lot! :smiley:

I tryed, but i didn’t like too much the effect, i find that color too dark for bigger container.
Maybe, when I add some other stuff, I might try the effect again. Stay tuned for latest Maya’s revisions! :slight_smile: