My Tribute page(FCC)

I just finished learning HTML and CSS and I have finished my first project-Tribute page. Please take a look and give me some feedback before I send it.Thanks


Excellent Job, that looks a lot better than mine did. Only two comments I can think of are. The lessons talked about sizing depending on if it is viewed on a mobile device using @media. I do not know if that is that matters I just added it from the example in mine. Secondly you could add the :hover property to the link in h4, I think it would make it look better.

Odlicno Ivane. Samo lagano i guraj dalje. Koliko vidim responsive je tako da je to super. Nisam nista primjetio da nije ok. Jedino sto mogu da preporucim je da napravis malo razmaka izmedju ul>li (dodati vise paddinga) elemenata jer se tesko vratiti na istu liniju ako se izgubis u citanju. Mimo toga sve ostalo je super.

Dino hvala ti na savjetu,popraviti ću padding.Osim toga najljepše ti hvala na podršci mnogo mi znači budući da sam baš početnik.Gracias:grinning:

Thanks, man I really appreciate your advice. I am going to add @media and hover property.

Your’e welcome!

And for the sake of everyone else understanding what we are typing about I will only be typing in English.
Your page looks a lot better with all the padding between bullet point lines.
I did notice few more things that aren’t mandatory but sure do make your page and your code look a lot cleaner.
You could change header margin-top from -16px back to 0 (or completely remove margin property - recommended) and instead add body element to your CSS and set margin to 0. Then you can add margin-top:0; to header and you will get the same result. This way you can avoid -(minus) margins and not have unnecessary css properties. Hope this makes sense. Cheers

Hi @FccUser, your page looks good. Just a couple of minor thing;

Hi Roma.
Thanks for the tips I will repair these things.

Hi Dino,

I have added minus margin only to fit green menu button for test…

Now when I have deleted minus margin it do not fit anymore:smiley:
I have tried to to set body and header margins as you explain to me but still, I can not make this button fit again.
I know this menu button is not necessary and I can delete it but it is a lot prettier with that button.

I’m sorry I made a mistake by saying header.
I meant to say set

h1 - margin-top:0; (NOT header)
and body - margin:0;

and you should get the same result. I tried it works. Let me know how it goes.

And as far as the button it’s just JS testing button. I’m sure there is a way to move that around but we will learn that in JS later on.

Yes it fits perfect now…I have set h1 {margin-top: 0;} and body{margin: 6px 10px}.I have set body margins like that to avoid stretching my “header” and “footer” all the way to left and right of the page.
Thank you very much.

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