My Tribute Page Goes to ---> Jennifer Dewalt (Jen who?) :D

So Hi guys, excuse the stupid sense of humor in the Title but hey! :smiley: I just finished my first Free Code Camp and i am so excited about it. Im loving this platform. I desperately hope this excitement never goes away.

Any how, my Tribute page Goes to Jennifer Dewalt, a female coder i just discovered. She new nothing about coding but yet, she made herself commit to a challenge to complete ONE site PER DAY for 180 DAYS.
And she DID IT! … Is that commitment OR WHAT? :smiley:

Well now she is my inspiration, and i hope one day ill reach out to her level (or better :p)

So here’s my CodePEn page :

I still have some things i want to do though im not really satisfied … Any suggestions plz? And yes I need your feedback :smiley:

Hi! The link to her page doesn’t work, and I’m not sure if this geek line in the middle of the screen is a good idea. Otherwise, gj!

thank u for checking it :slight_smile: ill try to fix it :slight_smile: