My tribute page is done. Thaks for Your Opinion =)

Hello my friends, i just finished the first project task, to build a tribute page.
I dedicated it to ukrainian embroidery, because in my country is a holiday today;

Thanks for your honest opinions.

codepen . io/MichaelRo/full/OYmMLV

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Very beautiful design and it is responsive. It has a good line height, padding and font style. Good job :clap:

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Hey bad news… in full page view the photo covers up the whole screen so I am unable to see anything although in a tablet/mobile view looks fine.

You also are only passing 8 of the 10 test cases in the fcc test suit. Lucky for you the tests you are not passing are easy to fix. Other than that looks good though!

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Thanks for telling, Now i fixed that. If you like to have a look one time more. apreciate.

@MichaelRo, your design looks good but there are a few issues you should revisit.

  • codepen provides you with validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the arrow in the upper right and then click on the respective ‘Analyze’ link. Some browsers will ignore the invalid ‘srcset’ and ‘sizes’ attributes but some will not and it affects how your page is displayed.
  • don’t use the <br> tag to make a new paragraph. If you want two paragraphs then use two <p> tags.
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Some browsers will ignore the invalid ‘srcset’ and ‘sizes’ attributes but some will not and it affects how your page is displayed.

Wow! I didnt know that. How can i salve this problem?

Thanks a lot for warning me. :wink::wink::wink:

You don’t need either of them or anything that they’re set to. You just need the src attribute for the image. So remove them and fix up any of the minor styling issues.

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You just need the src attribute for the image. So remove them and fix up any of the minor styling issues.

Yes! fixed. Now i think it works better. I made it responsive with css, with max-width property.
If you like to have a look! I think it is better now.

That looks good @MichaelRo. Just remove the <br> tags. Instead of,
<p>lots of text <br> more text</p>

You should have;
<p>lots of text</p> <p>more text</p>

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yeah, yeah, yeah.
It is done also!:smile:

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Once again, good job!

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