My twitch viewer & wiki viewer

Wondering if I could get some feedback on my twitch/wikipedia viewer, would be greatly appreciated!

  • Wiki viewer:
    – Hovering over the ‘click here for random article’ will displace the text (I guess it grows a bit, enough to make the last word jumping in the other line)
    – Is the scroll effects on the results desired? It does not fully convince me :confused:
    – Since the input text hide itself after a word is being searched i think you can clear the input box ( it could be left if the input box shows itself, as a kind of title, but if I click again on the search icon is because I want to search for another word)
    – The animation are really cool and more complex than usually seen in this kind of project, great work!

  • Twitch Viewer
    –In the desktop view the expansion of the thumbnail downwards went out of the screen, while also the icon become bigger: everything is too big and grows too much imho :stuck_out_tongue:
    – In the mobile view that problem vanishes, mobile first I guess! Good job for the responsiveness (be careful for the ‘tabs’ overlapping with the title)
    – About functionality everything seems to work as needed :+1:

Oh didn’t notice that first point on the wiki viewer, and the scroll was desired because the content couldn’t fit into the div sometimes, but it doesn’t look so good lol. Probably going to change the overflow on the content to just be hidden.

Yeah definitely gets too big, I was doing it mobile first lol.
Thanks a lot for the feedback!

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