Need help parsing JSON file with jq-BASH

JSON file:!AizscpxS0QM4hJl_VRQaWbm6D8T8_w

This is one section:

"RoleDetailList": [
            "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
                "Version": "2012-10-17", 
                "Statement": [
                        "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML", 
                        "Effect": "Allow", 
                        "Condition": {
                            "StringEquals": {
                                "SAML:aud": ""
                        "Principal": {
                            "Federated": "arn:aws:iam::279052847476:saml-provider/CompanyADFS"
            "RoleId": "AROAJANL3L2IZ6UISEGAU", 
            "CreateDate": "2016-08-20T13:51:07Z", 
            "InstanceProfileList": [], 
            "RoleName": "ADFS-Administrators", 
            "Path": "/", 
            "AttachedManagedPolicies": [], 
            "RolePolicyList": [
                    "PolicyName": "Administrator-Access", 
                    "PolicyDocument": {
                        "Version": "2012-10-17", 
                        "Statement": [
                                "Action": "*", 
                                "Resource": "*", 
                                "Effect": "Allow", 
                                "Sid": "Stmt1434192117145"
            "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::279052847476:role/ADFS-Administrators"

How,for all these sections in JSON file to get following (this is example for this section only) to CSV format ?

Desired output:


So far i have this:

 jq -r '.RoleDetailList | map(select((.AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Statement | length > 0) and (.AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Statement[].Principal.Federated) and (.RolePolicyList | length > 0)) )[]  | [(.AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Statement[] | .Action, .Principal.Federated),.RoleName, .RolePolicyList[].PolicyName] | @csv' output.json

But it doesn’t show other values, only first one