Need Help Solving The Last Few Tests

Good Morning,
if anyone could help by giving me some advice on passing these tests. It would be greatly appreciated!!!

I have copied and pasted the test that I am currently failing on the project down below as well as a link to the project it self.

thank you in advance,


8. My portfolio should have a link with an id of “profile-link”, which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab.

2. The height of the welcome section should be equal to the height of the viewport.

3. The navbar should always be at the top of the viewport.

looking at this test:

8. My portfolio should have a link with an id of "profile-link", which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab.

right below it in red there is written

expected 'DIV' to equal 'A'

are you sure you added the id to the correct element?

Good morning Ieahleen,

I have tried to place the ID in the <div> holding the link. As well as the <a> tag it self . Still to no success . I also have tried to place it in both and run the test , still failed.

thank you,

you have syntax errors that are making the rest of the code not being revcognized

you are missing a quote on line 6
but you should add the metadata in the settings of the pen
codepen is a boilerplate, and it expects only the content of the body tags inside the HTML box

you use twice the id profile-link, once on line 16, once on line 33
you should use it only once in your code

thank you, I will have to review it after work

have a good day.


HTML syntax (other than what already said)

  • line 40, your anchor element is missing the closing </a> tag
  • line 41 (probably), the div is missing a closing tag, if not this one one of the others

CSS syntax

  • line 46, there is a colon instead of a semicolon at the end of the line


  • 2. The height of the welcome section should be equal to the height of the viewport.
    You set it at 600px and stop. It needs to be always equal to the viewport.
  • 3. The navbar should always be at the top of the viewport.
    it seems that you have an hamburger menu instead of a navbar as required.

Hi Ieahleen,
I’m still having trouble with the view port and don’t quite understand…
I have fixed all the other issues.

Hi Everyone, I am having a bit of trouble solving and passing this final test can some one assist me?
I have pasted the test that I am failing as well as the link to the pen.

thanks in advance,


2. The height of the welcome section should be equal to the height of the viewport.

The height of #welcome-section is not equal to the height of the viewport : expected 600 to be close to 493 +/- 0 AssertionError: The height of #welcome-section is not equal to the height of the viewport : expected 600 to be close to 493 +/- 0

Tests pass on my computer … not sure if you updated something in the meantime…

Yes sir I did.

thank you,

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