Need help to review tribute page

Hey there. Just finished the tribute page assignment and would appreciate some advice.

Looks Great. Love how responsive it is!

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The only suggestion I have is that the text seems a little small and hard to read. Other than that, it looks good.

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I’d love for you to take a look at my product page and let me know what you think.

Content is organized very cleanly here, good design overall! Color scheme is cool. I agree with @jrbuchanan, text is quite small so definitely bump the size up. I’d also suggest a different image for Andrés Segovia, the gettyimages watermark is distracting.

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Also when I switch to mobile view the video player spreads outside of the container for all your content

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Thanks for the advice. Will look into changing the image. You’re right about the video player spreading out, I guess I could fix that using CSS

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Any advice on how to fix that? I tried with CSS but still when you open it on a mobile the video player overflows

Fixed the picture and text size:

Tribute page Segovia

On my iPhone, you’re having the same issue that I’m having on my tribute page. Everything is scaled down, legible, and flows well, but it’s not centered to the page. I have to drag with my finger to read your text, see your image, etc. Did you make your page for desktop size and then scale it down?

Can anyone give some advice on this? I’m struggling with this issue too!

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Yes I made it for desktop size. Feeling a bit lost in how to make it adjust to mobile view. On horizontal view it’s fine, the problem is when you switch to vertical view.

Hey, looks great! And it’s responsive. Also, wow, this guy lived to be 104?? Impressive