Need help with Random Quote Machine project

Please I need corrections; there are many things I think I didn’t do well on my Random Quote machine; twitter for instance - what should I do?
Project Link -

Hi PerkyPrince,

In the js code you are using 2 jQuery functions ($() and attr() below) to change the twitter button href attribute:

$('.twitter-share-button').attr('href', tweetQuote);

Since your page does not have the jQuery library added to it, using these functions throws an error. You can see the error in developer tools in your browser (ctrl+shift+i and switch to “console”):


To fix this, you have to either replace the jQuery functions with javascript, e.g.:

document.querySelector('.twitter-share-button').setAttribute('href', tweetQuote);

or add jQuery to your page/pen. In codepen you can do this very easily via your pen’s Settings:

For more on jQuery basics see:

Also, when generating the tweetQuote string, first remove the <br> tag, then encode the string using encodeURIComponent(), like this:

var tweetQuote = tweetQuote.split('<br>').join('');
tweetQuote = encodeURIComponent(tweetQuote)

otherwise various punctuation marks, etc may cause issues.

You can also remove the <br> tag using the replace() method:

2 sidenotes:

  • You don’t have to put the first quote and twitter link in your HTML code. Just execute the newQuote() function right after you define it in JS.
  • Placing the quotes array at the top of your code would be better practice

Hope this helps!