Need some explanation about this code

So im doing a score keeper exercise by my self after doing a code along from Colt Steele’s bootcamp’s score keeper project. Im stuck at trying to figure out why incrementing counter in button function is not working while being outside of if statement that i made compared to Colt’s way?
Here’s Colt’s code:

var p1Button = document.querySelector("#p1");
var p2Button = document.getElementById("p2");
var resetButton = document.getElementById("reset");
var p1Display = document.querySelector("#p1Display");
var p2Display = document.querySelector("#p2Display");
var numInput = document.querySelector("input");
var winningScoreDisplay = document.querySelector("p span");
var p1Score = 0;
var p2Score = 0;
var gameOver = false;
var winningScore = numInput;

p1Button.addEventListener("click", function() {
    if (!gameOver) {
        if(p1Score === winningScore) {
            gameOver = true;
        p1Display.textContent = p1Score;

Here’s mine:

var scorePlayer1 = document.getElementById("player1");
var scorePlayer2 = document.getElementById("player2");
var playingUpTo = document.getElementById("playingUpTo");
var button1 = document.getElementById("pressPlayer1");
var button2 = document.getElementById("pressPlayer2");
var setTo = document.getElementById("setTo");
var counter1 = 0;
var counter2 = 0;
var gameOver = false;

button1.addEventListener("click", function() {
   if (counter1 === setTo.value) {
      gameOver = true;

I tried doing it with a while loop and without using boolean’s but couldnt make it work. Any possible different ideas? Im asking because Colt in the end said there’s no better way of doing something like this exercise.

i also paid for Colt Steele’s bootcamp, till now i have only completed 25% of the course.

Try changing with this:

button1.addEventListener("click", function() {

if(!gameOver ){
   if (counter1 === setTo.value) {
      gameOver = true;

I just added outer if statement that allows incrementation to take place until gameOver holds true That’s same like above example.

if (!gameOver) will run as long as condition is not false like it was already set? And it will run all the way untill it gets to gameOver = true?

From my understanding i thought !gameOver would mean that it turned false into true? Or i guess i was wrong? GameOver=false becoming true if we put ! mark in front of it?

Oh i got you now thanks.