Nested Arrays need help

**Tell us what’s happeniW

What am I doing wrong on this exercise?Your code so far

// Setup
var myPlants = [
    type: "flowers",
    list: [
    type: "trees",
    list: [

// Only change code below this line

var myPlants[2].secondTree [2]; // "pine"
// Setup
var myPlants = [
    type: "flowers",
    list: [
    type: "trees",
    list: [

// Only change code below this line

var secondTree = ""; // Change this line

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Link to the challenge:

  • Remember that arrays use zero-based indices, that is they start counting from 0. If you start from 0, what’s the second index?

  • secondTree doesn’t exist. What properties do you see in each object that you can access?

Hello There,
If you want to access an array, you have to follow the indexing rules. Any Array Index starts with 0.
Suppose this is my custom array:

var users = [
       name: 'test1',
       active: true,
       learningwebsite :[ 'StackOverflow', 'Google', 'youtube' ]
       name: 'test2',
       active: false,
       learningwebsite :[ 'Test', 'Test Site', 'Test Site 3' ]

Suppose If I want to access the learning website area and console or print youtube from the list my sample code would be


So in your case you are doing wrong indexing. what I mean is that this

myPlants['your desire index'].list['your desire index']

In here, solution will be

var secondTree = myPlants[1].list[2];
// output is pine

If you still feel confused about arrays , I think this will come handy:
Javascript Arrays