New portfolio page. Feedback wanted!

Hi everyone,

I just created my new portfolio page as my last project for RWD course.
Can you provide any feedback? I will try to integrate your feedback to my project.
Also, I have one question. I am not passing one test regarding viewport height of welcome section. I tried different things but I cannot make it passed. Do you know how I can achieve it? I will appreciate if you can advise on it.

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Pretty good! well done.

The test expects your section to fill your entire page.
This can be achieved by giving height 100vh.


Hi @shimphillip

Thank you very much. I tried to change the height of my introduction section to both 100vh and 100% but somehow I cannot pass the test. Maybe I have raise an issue report…?

From the test result, it seems that it is not just checking whether the height is set to 100vh but is actually checking the pixels.

You will pass the test if you remove padding-top from your welcome-section and give it height: 100vh. But this will cause your text to be overlapped with your navbar.

One way you can fix it is by giving it margin-top: 180px;

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The survey page and the tribute page links to the same codepen project.

I think it’s well done otherwise.

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Hi @numoonchld, Thanks for the feedback. I updated the href of the link. Now it is connected to the right project.