Non-binary Gender Training in A New Section Like "Applied Inclusiveness"

Edit: Another option rather than adding to Applied Accessibility would be to make a new section “Applied Inclusiveness” that focuses on teaching ways to ensure that gender, race, sex, sexuality, romantic attraction, mental health needs and other sensitive subjects (when applicable to the subject of the website) are integrated into core webdesign when possible and relevant (mental health resources, dating websites, web surveys, etc etc) to ensure that those resources remain inclusive.

Original post:

Canada and many other nations are expanding gender surveys to include Non-binary gender options. Likewise, many large corporations are also starting to include Non-binary genders in their gender forms. This is important for Trans people and Intersex people, who’s gender and sex don’t fit the traditional assumptions society has of gender and sex.

However, in the Applied accessibility section here:

The subject of gender is barely brought up, and the subject of non-binary genders and how to make websites more accessible for people outside the Gender Binary isn’t discussed, saying “…the choices are self-explanatory, like a gender selection”. This is especially relevant for websites like Dating Websites ( for instance), where gender can be an especially important to ensure the websites are usable and accessible by Non-binary genders.

As a result of this change in the society conception, the web training needs to change to ensure programmers are ready to implement more nuanced ways of representing gender on the Web, especially for countries where the laws are starting to change. This could include making gender a input that allows people to type in their Gender Identity, just like how people will type in their name. Another possible method would be to add a third checkbox with “Non-binary” in it, or perhaps an “other” category that then allows the user to enter their gender if it is not a Man or Woman.

As an aside, Its also important that when gender is asked, man and woman and non-binary are the options. When a person’s sex is asked, male female and intersex should be options. This is because Gender and Sex are not the same. It can make web surveys and web content more accessible, since its not forcing people to respond to questions about their gender with their sex assigned at birth or vice versa. Not to mention that for increasing demand of healthcare websites, it is often important that sex and gender are asked separate, and only when necessary, to ensure incorrect health care isn’t prescribed due to the forms not including a means to express gender except in terms of sex.

Like all subjects on Free Code Camp besides the projects, this should be an optional challenge since not every website will need to have this at the moment. But considering that this is already happening both on corporate levels and government levels in many countries, I think this is a very important subject to at least address for web developers wanting to find ways to be more accessible in their gender representation just like in their accessibility for other areas.


I agree that this is an important area to be better at when it is relevant. I would recommend maybe raising this as a github issue since that will get more of the right eyeballs on your suggestion.

If you have any resources that might help anyone that works on it do it well, including informative links might help.

You might even like to mention in the issue that you are willing to take a crack at it, if you feel up to the challenge?


Interesting suggestions!

So, for GitHub where would this be suggested, in terms of improving education in this area? Should I respond to the W3C consortium’s git posts about the subject? I’m still a new web developer and while this is personally an important issue, my main goal is more to promote a discussion with developers about this subject since I am still lacking experience enough to know for sure most of the complications this presents. I’ve tried finding resources for the subject online aimed at web developers, but so far finding reliable information from trusted sources has been hard.

Here’s what I’ve could find so far:

"Inclusion: is about diversity, and ensuring involvement of everyone to the greatest extent possible. In some regions this is also referred to as universal design and design for all. It addresses a broad range of issues including:

accessibility for people with disabilities;
access to and quality of hardware, software, and Internet connectivity;
computer literacy and skills;
economic situation;
geographic location;
age, including older and younger people;
and language.

Notably they don’t include race or gender, though ethnicity could be considered under the culture topic.

Since there are less clear answers to the design questions involved in these design, this one isn’t as relevant to web developers as web and UI designers. However, considering much of FCC, like the industry, has overlap between learning Web Development and learning Web Design, I think its still a relevant resource.

If I were to choose a specific issue I have lived experience with and could give a detailed explanation about, it would most likely be gender due to my experiences a Non-binary trans-feminine person who is a frequent user of the web. But I would not feel comfortable advocating for these practices to senior web developers without further experience in the Web Development field first, since yet I am still mastering the basics and have little experience so far. That said I’d be happy to give a longer discussion of my experiences with the various ways companies express gender on forms and ways they could improve, if there were developers interested in such a discussion.

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How to turn this into a proper contribution is not really my area of expertise…and upon reflection I think raising it as a Github issue might be premature. I’ll re-categorise this thread as a contributor one and see if a discussion of how to proceed might ensue.

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I think it’s a good idea to move this to GitHub as an issue. I think adding this as a challenge to the accessibility section could be a matter of including some of what @VioletLain wrote above and a challenge to add a gender option to a form that only includes sex. The tests for the challenge can look for one of the recommended ways to do this based on the article @VioletLain shared.

I also like the idea of adding an Applied Inclusiveness section. This section can also include the importance of developing with right-to-left languages in mind, among other things.


I think that this is definitely a good thing to talk about. I’m not sure how it would best fit into the curriculum itself, but it seems like you would be a really good person to start an appropriate section in the FCC Guide, which extends beyond the technical into best practices. The FCC Guide is in its own repo, which you can find here.


This is also a great resource for prefer names and why having a “What should we call you?” section is great for inclusivity on the web.

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