Nuclear Random Quote Machine

Thought I’d really run with the “machine” part of this challenge:

All the images are “free for reuse with mods” from Google so should be fine.



nice idea. Doesn’t look good if I resize the window.

Nice! Looking forward to your future projects.

@finnhodgkin I have to say I like what you have here, out-of-the-box for sure… I haven’t gotten this far in the classes but I love how creative it is… the devil is in the details… I really like how you even have the button to click over everytime and the glow … A really good presentation

I agree with @nikrb would love to see this in a mobile atmosphere but then again maybe that was intention :slight_smile:

looking forward to see what other projects you conjure up!

Are you have some experiance in this field?

Thanks for the comments all!

I did think about making it mobile friendly but it just didn’t really very plausible with that massive wheel and tiny buttons. I’ve amended it to hide all but the TV on smaller devices—not very user friendly but at least it doesn’t fall apart.

@absnt0 Hardly any coding experience, but I do have some in web design.

Really cool… Like your idea :grinning:

All your projects are playfully creative.

nice idea man

the text reminds of fallout

Really a machine) Great work, man!