Online Coding has become a business?

I feel like I should always buy a new online course, there’s just so much to learn and following online tutorials can really make you feel like you’re learning. But the thing is you only learn by coding, by doing projects on your own, tried to figure out how to solve certain bug or why you’re code doesn’t work. And this is unpleasant at least to me, but from what I’ve heard and experienced that’s how we learn.

So my question is, how do you guys deal with the temptation to buy of online courses named “The complete bla bla”, “learn all about bla bla”, “become a expert in bla bla” (but they hardly deliver what they promise) and actually get to writing your own code?

I just feel like I SHOULD buy these kind of courses (ads really work huh?) but I trully know that it’s not only following tutorials that I will learn how to code.

It really sucks when you’re not a beginner, can make some cool apps (while struggling with syntax errors) but yet feel like you’re a beginner xD

All I wanna do is buy online courses, subscribe teaching sites. :s

any thoughts about this?

Work on the projects here and/or your own projects that are similar. If you get stuck ask a question here or on stack overflow.


You can’t learn via Osmosis.

You can be informed via these online tutorials and developer blogs. But knowing a piece of fact is different from knowing how to apply/use that piece of fact to solve a particular problem, or come up with a website design, or fulfill a client/employer project requirement.

Learning and knowing how to practically apply a command, an HTML tag, or CSS property only comes from hands-on experience, making mistakes, rinse and repeat…

In short, Learning is “active” and hard work. Not sitting in front of a screen watching a video or screencast of some guy doing something.

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This right here is what I recommending focusing on, everything else is just noise.

Coding bootcamps and tutorials has become a commodity now because there are high demand for developers. Honestly my curiosity was also sparked by FB ads, so now here I am. :slight_smile:

I think one thorough introductory course is good enough for you to start building. Avoid hopping from tutorial to tutorial and simply start building.

Good luck and have fun!