Pairwise can't pass one test

Tell us what’s happening:
So after a while I have managed to get all but

pairwise([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 1);

to pass and i just can’t figure out why this one gets 9 instead of 10.
Your code so far

function pairwise(arr, arg) {
  var matches = [];
  var values = [];
  function find2dArr(arr, item){
    for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
      if(arr[i][0] === item[0] && arr[i][1] === item[1]){
        return i;
    return -1;
  for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){    
    for(var j=0; j<arr.length; j++){
      if(i !== j && arr[i] + arr[j] === arg){
        if(!(matches.includes(i) && matches.includes(j))){
          var indices = [JSON.stringify([i,j]), JSON.stringify([j,i])];
          var valOfIndices = JSON.stringify([arr[i],arr[j]]);
          var checkMathes = matches.every((match) => {
            return JSON.stringify(match) !== indices[0] && JSON.stringify(match) !== indices[1];
          var checkValues = values.some((value) => {
            return JSON.stringify(value) === valOfIndices;
          if(JSON.stringify(matches) === "[]"){
          }else if(checkMathes){
            var valIndex = find2dArr(values, [arr[i],arr[j]]);
              if(matches[valIndex][0] + matches[valIndex][1] > i+j){
                matches[valIndex][0] = i;
                matches[valIndex][1] = j;
  matches = matches.reduce((acc, item) => {
    return acc.concat(item);
  }, []);
  matches = matches.reduce((acc, item) => {
    return acc + item;
  }, 0);

  return matches;

pairwise([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 1);```
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**Link to the challenge:**

I started to talk to my brother about it to try to get help from him and then it just like slapped me.
i’m only checking new matches like so

newmatch = [1,2] !== [1,2] or [2,1] 
but not if it is [1,3] << should not match since it reuses 1 right??

Yup that worked :slight_smile: