Pig Latin - WHAT!?

Tell us what’s happening:
I thought I had fixed it so it handled vowels, but then it didn’t pass, so I checked the console. And everything I’ve tried has put out wanted results!? Why do I not pass?

Please help I’m lost

Your code so far

function translatePigLatin(str) {
  var firstVowel=str.match(/[aeuioy]/); 
  //Find first vowel in string

  var firstPos=str.indexOf(firstVowel);
  //Find position of first vowel in string
  if(firstPos>0 && firstPos!=-1){
    //If first vowel is not at 0, that means first letter of string will be a consonant.
    //If there's a vowel in the string at all, that is to say
  //Splits string letters into array elements for ease of manipulation
  //Consciously breaking functional programming best practice for convenience
  var mediator=str.splice(0,firstPos);
  //Remove letters up until index of first vowel
  //Add consonants that where removed in previous step to the end
  //Add "ay" to end of array
  //Turn str back into string 
  return str;

  } else { //First index in string is a vowel, or there's no vowel
    return str+="way";
    //Add "way to the end"
return str;//Manipulated string (str), dependent on first letter (||cluster of letters)


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Link to the challenge:

not quite working…
your output for this string ‘my’ is ‘ymay’ but it should instead give ‘myay’

Is m not a consonant? :joy:

Appreciate the help, I don’t see why that is wrong though?
It removes m from beginning, puts it last, then adds ay. Is that not correct? What am I missing?

Here is where a search of the forum would have helped you. You would have found many others making a similar assumption.
The reason the assumption is wrong is the following instruction from the challenge:

Pig Latin takes the first consonant (or consonant cluster) of an English word, moves it to the end of the word and suffixes an “ay”.

Notice they said consonant cluster ? In the case of ‘my’ , the whole word ‘my’ is a consonant cluster. So the whole thing is treated as one block. Other example:

‘block’ starts with the consonant cluster ‘bl’ so they are treated as one block and it becomes ‘ockblay’
‘try’ starts with the consonant cluster ‘try’ so we end up with ‘tryay’

‘Y’ is a consonant, so ‘my’ is a consonant cluster.

Look at my answer to Ariel

Didn’t know that :grimacing::rofl:

But when I lose the Y, I don’t pass either!

I didn’t understand your response to Ariel.

It is a simple matter. If your word doesn’t have any vowels, then simply append ‘ay’ to the end and return the result.

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Ahaa! There you go, now I understand, thank you!

i just noticed this. The english vowels are a, e, i, o, u (5 of them, no ‘y’).
Just fyi.

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Yeah thank you!.,.-.