Portfolio Critique Please

So I work for a small company building Squarespace site. I’m the only person here that knows how to code so I get work on all the customizations, API integrations, etc. for clients

I’m pretty bored in my role as working within the confines of Squarespace is a pain. I have learned a lot by dealing with overwriting classes, DOM traversal through the endless HTML tags inherit to the platform, but I’m ready to move on

This is my first iteration of my portfolio and would love some constructive/honest/harsh/glowing critiques from everyone out there in FCC land


Nice work! I like it, it feels smooth but there’s something a little off with the scrolling. Hops around a little bit. Feels professional with lots of information that is organized and easy to see. Maybe some more margin at the bottom? Felt a little cramped and like I was gonna miss something if I scrolled too soon. I’m just starting out with coding and hope I can put together something like this for myself one day.

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Funny, I didn’t notice that scrolling issue when I put it together, but I just bought a new mouse and now it’s WAY too touchy

Good input though, something to sort out…I’m sure there will be more

If you put in the time and effort, you’ll get there no problem! Always ask lots of questions when you get stuck on this forum and Reddit, the community is generally quite helpful

Awesome Portfolio!I just started out with this course and made my own portfolio :smile: and yours looks amazing! :+1:
Hope I can get there some day…

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I won’t lie, I’ve been teaching myself for about 18 months now. Granted I’ve had periods of weeks…maybe even months where I didn’t touch any code

Point is, just stay dedicated. Put in the time and effort and you’ll get there!

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