Portfolio Feedback for Job Applications

Hello, campers and alumni. This isn’t really part of the curriculum but figured it made more sense than the getting job category.

I’m looking for input/feedback on my site, ways to improve it. I’m applying to jobs so trying to finalize my stuff. Would love some constructive feedback. I usually just get suggestions. I know I need to upgrade to https, I’m sure there are a few validation errors due to my carelessness. Images are not optimized, stylesheets aren’t minified since I’m still pushing out a lot of updates.

My primary JS file is a bit of a mess as I rolled back some major aspects of my portfolio. The page header is clunky because I recently rollbacked some design I had in place.

Would love some advice on layout/content/navigation and page order.


This is my local development changes to the blog post header…

and changes to the blog post list items.

Also slowly making it more responsive. I usually hear feedback that it isn’t responsive, i don’t understand how. What kind of responsiveness do you feel would be most effective if ou think so, or what would ou like to see?