Portfolio project - appreciate your honest feedback....:)

Im mean if a company take a look on my portfolio, what can i do if i want show them my website without codepen bar on the top. Like a real website who start with my grey navbar in the top and no codepen ?

Thank u :slight_smile:

Brilliant - thankyou. I can shrink those icons down now. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m very new to all this so there may be better ways butā€¦
I put all my projects onto GitHub site. They are hosted for free and then you can give the links to the page and they will show up as a ā€˜normalā€™ webpage in a browser.
Personally I find github hard to work out but there are lots of tutorials on YouTube which should help.
If I can do it anyone can! :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve implemented one change - the contact form!
I know it was awful and I had been lazy - this looks much simpler and Iā€™d be interested to hear from anyone and especially those who commented on it beforeā€¦:slight_smile:

Mat Portfolio with CONTACT form!

As advised - new contact sectionā€¦

I love it! Its much cleaner my friend!

Ok because im new in gitHub i dont know how it works. I will see some tutorial thank u

If you want a free hosting site then I have used this one

It will give you a free domain ending with .co.nf

Again I found it quite hard to set up as Iā€™m new to all this too but it does work.

Hope that helps a little.

dont worry, i will use github i need to
Thank u :slight_smile:

Thankyou. Appreciate your feedback :hamburger::fries::+1:t3:

If you need free hosting I havenā€™t seen anything easier than surge.sh. You literally install their CLI in the commandline then its as simple as surge <foldername>. You will get a prompt about what you would like to call the site and a few seconds later you have yoursubdoman.surge.sh

The other way is to host using either Github Pages or GitLab Pages. Personally I use GitLab because of how relatively simple it is to get continuous integration going. Whenever I commit to master, a build process happens and uploads the site to www.USERNAME.gitlab.io/PROJECTNAME :slight_smile:
Iā€™m in the process of writing a blog about how to get this running!

Sounds good.
Iā€™m hosting on github now but Iā€™d be very interested to read your blog on Gitlab. Plus .surge is quite cool!!!

Heya, I finished up that blog. Let me know if its hard to follow, your feedback would be great!

Hey matt, Great site. Very clean, creative and inspiring. Would like to see more of your work.

Brilliant. I will definitely go through that later today and get back to you. Nice one and thanks.

Thatā€™s appre iated thankyou.

@MatWard, the title element in the GitHub version says ā€œLayoutā€. Usually you would want that to say something like ā€œMat Ward Web Designā€.

Will have a look. Thanks.

Hi, love your design. I found it whilst looking for a solution to navbar collapsing but the button not working. As TyMx mentions below, put Bootstrap into Javascript settings and it all works. I had put Bootstrap in but had the wrong link using the .css instead of .js file, now it all works. (https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js)
Hope all is going well with further study, this Portfolio Page has been driving me mad. Cheers Ewan