Portfolio Project - what do you think?

Hello. This is my first version of Portfolio Page. There is much work to polish it but I want to know what do you think about this little site. Thank you for any feedback. Here is link to my portfolio: https://jundymek.github.io/

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Hello jundymek,

It looks very good already and it’s only a first version? Love the minbus rental website, too.

My only suggestion, (and it may be my aging eyes causing a problem), would be to tone down the main background images a little as they compete with the text and logos which get lost a bit against the bright colors and patterns. Maybe mute the colors or overlay a solid color or gradient over the backgrounds, and then adjust the opacity to let the patterns show through.

It’s motivating and inspiring to see the the fun and personal design styles of so many here. Great work.

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Very nice! The contact form looks good as well. My only suggestion would also be color selections, such as the red area - it can make it somewhat hard to read with the images.

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Thanks for feedback. I realized that my portfolio doesn’t work properly on mobile phones… I have to fix that. Is it possible to check responsive layout in developing process (on my desktop computer)? I write my code in Sublime and preview it in my browser. I can’t use chrome web developer tools or services like http://www.responsinator.com/ to check mobile look. Is there any way to check layout on mobile phones except pushing my work to server? By the way I am sorry for my bad english - I learn it next to coding…:wink:

EDIT: I found Reposnive web design tester chrome extension. It allows to test different layouts. I modified my portfolio and it looks nice on mobile phones too.