Portolio Feedback!

Hi there, I finally finished my portfolio page. Actually, I had a previous page but it was kinda messy and I have nothing to put in it to make it word as a portfolio. So I decided to make a new page from scratch and I’d like to have some feedback about it.


Thanks in advance and happy coding to all :slight_smile:

I liked your design until I viewed it on a mobile device width. You should learn how to create the hamburger menu instead of taking so much space at the top for 4 short nav links.

Thanks for the advice, I still find hamburger menus too difficult to make, but I’ll see what I can do.

Also, research how you can make the background not repeat.

I thought it was background-repeat: no-repeat, right? I don’t see where the background is repeating though…

@mitestainer Its look nice. Good on you.

On your home page,
Make some changes to look like this

for your hint use background-repeat and background-size.

Happy coding.


So probably it’s because your screen is bigger than mine. I’ll try to fix it, thanks!

Yes. I’m using large screen. these day, Responsiveness and cross browser compatibility is very important.

Found it! I forgot to move the background-repeat and background-size rules to the #welcome-section::after pseudo-class. Now, the hamburger menu. :thinking:

I know, I dind’t update the source-code yet. I’m gonna do that when I finish setting up the hamburger menu.

Hey, it looks very good. It is different. I like it, I haven’t seen it on small screen though.

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So I updated the source-code: fixed the background and the mobile version now has a drop-down menu. The only thing I couldn’t work out yet is that I wished the menu to collapse back when I click on a link. Gotta find some tutorial…

some feedback:

  • responsive design is looking good! everything snaps well into 1 column as necessary
  • maybe change your landing image because its hard to read against your main text.
  • in general, maybe only put your best projects on your portfolio
  • project cards having a black background color is a kinda intense contrast. maybe use white cards but with a dropshadow so that the focus is on the content of the project card.

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll try to change some things on the page.