Problem with Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Run Functional Tests on API Endpoints using Chai-HTTP II

Not passing the challenge

Link to Challenge

Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Run Functional Tests on API Endpoints using Chai-HTTP II


test('Test GET /hello with your name',  function(done){ // Don't forget the callback...
         chai.request(server)             // 'server' is the Express App
          .get('/hello?name=Rohit') /** <=== Put your name in the query **/ 
          .end(function(err, res){        // res is the response object
            // Your tests here.
            // Replace Make the test pass.
            // Test the status and the text response. Follow the test order like above.
            assert.equal(res.status, 200);
            assert.equal(res.text, 'hello Rohit'/** <==  Put your name here **/);
            done();   // Always call the 'done()' callback when finished.

Error received

// running test
expected undefined to equal 'passed'
Cannot read property '0' of undefined
Cannot read property '1' of undefined
// tests completed

You might have figured it out by now. But check your last assert.equal statement. It misses a closing parenthesis.

The bracket is there at the end of the line, after the comments. Putting the brackets before the comments doesn’t help.

the tests are passing now with the same changes made as you did, can you try again and check if it is working for you now