Projects passes tests no matter what code you type

I have just finished Responsive Design Section and started doing my first projects. By the time I have reached my second project (Survey Form), I found out (not that I was looking for it but merely by blind luck) that the projects passes the tests no matter what you type in the code editor, I am not sure but I don’t think it was intended or designed to do that! I don’t know if I am doing something wrong ? the way I understood the explanatory text was to type your code in the codepen editor and after you finish you copy the link in the address bar of the browser and paste it in the solution text box and then you click the big green rectangular button under it and then a confirmation message will pop up. I don’t know what is going on, am I doing something wrong here or this a bug in freecodecamp ?

The tests you should pass are those in the test suite you add to your project on codepen, like instructed in the project description

I don’t think there is an easy way for FreeCodeCamp to actually check the projects automatically like in the challenges

Just know that you need to agree to an Academy honesty pledge to collect the certificates, and that the projects are checked and cheaters are caught

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Ieahleen, thank you for your quick replay

Now I understand after you explained it to me, I thought the entire page is checked automatically, forgive me for being a complete newbie :slight_smile: