Random Quote Machine. Pay attention. ;)

Hey, hey! How are you my friends?:slight_smile:
I just finished my Random Quote Machine. and now I want to share my work with you my friend.
I am glad to get any feedback from you. I really like your suggestions and opinion. Let’s discuss the project together!:rocket:

First of it seems very hard about JSON API. So many new things I have never seen before.
Now I want to share with you about some issues I meat while designing and coding the project.
These are just thoughts. Maybe they will be interesting for you.

  • How to get photo of autor of the quote. :calling:
    The idea is something like that: You click on the button and get random quote with authors photo.
    First I got stuck here.:confounded: Because I didn’t find any free quotes API with author’s photo. (Probably I am a bad googler.) Then I solved to use two different APIs First is Quotesondesign and second is Wikiquotes.
    The web app takes random quote from Quotesdesign and takes photo from Wikiquotes.( if the photo exists there). But problem is - many persons don’t have any picture on the Wikiquote page.
    I thought about using Google API images, or Yahoo but didn’t.Maybe somebody used it?
    I tried to use only Wikiquotes API but it is too complicated for me while. Because Wikiquotes pages don’t have common style. It needs coding good algorithm to filter the pages.
    What about opinion? may be suggestions? I am waiting any feedback!:grinning:
    Here the web app:
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Well done! The pictures are a nice touch, but I would be careful using a general search engine like Google or Yahoo. You could search for a name and get back something not at all related to the author, or even something graphically sexual. Wikipedia is your best bet, even if it’s unwieldy.

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Thank you very much!
Yes, you are correct. It is little like a random process. You can get something bad or not about topic.But on the other hand it is too difficult to work with Wikipedia sometimes. Anyway it is not the main thing. :slight_smile:
Thank you for your feedback!

This is really cool, I had an Idea of doing this with mine but had no clue where to start. If you could write a blog post (maybe on medium and get it published by Free Code Camp’s publication) describing the process I think it will be a great tutorial!

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Thanks! I am really glad you like the page!
woW Can I see your project?
I am still a beginner in Web dev. and I am beginner in English while(You know it is too difficult to write in English especially a blog post. I don’t know people understand me or not) but I will keep studying. and may be do it once. :slight_smile:
If you have any questions. You are welcome!
Thanks for your feedback!
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