[React.js][HELP] Mapping 2 different array at the same instance in 1 component

export class Modal extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
      this.state = {
        desc:["he is hot!","Is smart!"]

render() {
    return (
              {this.state.data.map((val,i) =>
            <Well data={val}  key={i} onDelete={this.onDelete.bind(this)}/>

I want to something that works but logic of this…

{this.state.desc.map((val2,i) =>
          {this.state.data.map((val,i) =>
        <Well data={val} desc={val2} key={i} onDelete={this.onDelete.bind(this)}/>

I am trying to correct that every instance of bob will have the description of "“he is hot!”, and dan with “he is smart!”.

Ideally, we would be able to do this strictly within a functional paradigm with a zip() method. Unfortunately, JavaScript doesn’t have this. You can implement it yourself (not too difficult), but you could also just fudge it.

render() {
   const { data, desc } = this.state;
   return (
      <div className="thatThingIAlwaysForgetToAddInReact">
        data.map((val, index) => <Well data={val} desc={desc[index]} key={index} onDelete={this.onDelete.bind(this)}/>

You should probably not use that class name, but I always forget to wrap iterated children in a parent element.

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I assume the 2 arrays posted are example array sbut is there any reason not to do this with ojbects, which are more interesting, descriptive and easier to reason about ?

this.state = {
{"name": "bob","desc": "he is hot!"},
{"name": "don","desc": "is smart!"},

Sounds great, but I am mapping throughout the state which is an object which can’t be mapped out for my component, or try use data[0].name which won’t solve my issue of trying pass desc into my component too…

I could be brain farting, and sound completely dumb, but I am trying and not getting any results

Thanks alot, your really smart! Thank you alot, and AdventureBear for some different idea too