React: Pass an Array as Props

I am stuck at the Pass an Array as Props part of the React Curriculum.
Honestly i don’t know what’s wrong with my Code.

Do you have any idea, why it isn’t working?

const List= (props) => {
  { /* change code below this line */ }
  return <p>{props.tasks.join(', ')}</p>
  { /* change code above this line */ }

class ToDo extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
        <h1>To Do Lists</h1>
        { /* change code below this line */ }
        <List tasks= { ["walk","dog","workout"] } />
        <List tasks= { ["hiking","watching the world cup","programming"] } />
        { /* change code above this line */ }
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Your code is working. What are you talking about?

Yeah, i thought so.
But it is not passing the Tests.
Thats why i am asking :slight_smile:

Ok, case closed.
Changing the Browser made it possible to pass the Tests.

That’s weird, it should almost always work on any modern browsers. Anyway, congrats.

const List= (props) => {
{ /* change code below this line / }


{ /
change code above this line */ }

class ToDo extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (

To Do Lists


{ /* change code below this line / }
<List tasks={[“one”,“two”]} />


<List tasks={[“one”,“two”,“three”]}/>
{ /
change code above this line */ }


i don’t know what wrong with me i cant pass this stage(i’m using safari).

But ridiculously i could pass with writer’s code.
i’m figuring it out now.

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the reason was white-space after ', ’ ( which is hella ridiculous)


{props.tasks.join(’, ‘)}

<<=== passed with this code

{props.tasks.join(’, ')}

<<=== failed with this code.

what’s the point?

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Thanks so much for mentioning that white space- I was going crazy wondering why mine wasn’t working. I suppose it is because they need to separated by a comma AND space?

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i don’t know .
maybe the developer forgot to mention it,
well f**k it! lol :smiley:

I notice when I reset all the code and just re-write all the code with modifications, sometimes it will then accept.

Thanks it worked for me