React: Regex not working

I keep getting “unnecesary escape character” when I use it:

this.setState(prevState => ({ value:  `${prevState.value}${result}` .replace( `${/^\d*([/\+-/*=]\d+)*$/gi}` ) }));

Thanks for the reply. My idea is for this Regex to limit both operators (only one everytime) and the decimals.

class Calculator extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {value:""}
  this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
 const result=;

this.setState(prevState =({ value:  `${prevState.value}${result}` .replace( `${/^\d*([/\+-/*=]\d+)*$/gi}` ) }));

    this.setState({value: math.eval(this.state.value)})
else if(id==="clear"){
this.setState({value : 0})  


render() {
            <div id="container">
                <Display value={this.state.value} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="zero" value={'0'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="one" value={'1'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="two" value={'2'}/>
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="three" value={'3'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="four" value={'4'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="five" value={'5'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="six" value={'6'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="seven" value={'7'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="eight" value={'8'}  />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="nine" value={'9'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="decimal" value={'.'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="equals" value={'='} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="clear" value={'clear'}  />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="add" value={'+'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="subtract" value={'-'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="multiply" value={'*'} />
                <Button onClick={this.handleClick} id="divide" value={'/'} />


Yes, of course!


const Button = (props) => {
  return (
    <input type="button" onClick={props.onClick} id={} value={props.value} />




const Display = (props) => {
  return (

    			<h2 id="display">{props.value} </h2>


Sorry, just realised one line was wrong in the calculator:

this.setState(prevState => ({
  value: `${prevState.value}${result}`.replace( `${/^\d*([/\+-/*=]\d+)*$/gi}` )

This is SO bizarre. I created the app using Create React App. Math is Math.js, which is imported with: import * as math from mathjs after installing it.
I run the app with npm start, and I get:
Line 17: Unnecessary escape character: + no-useless-escape

which prevents the Regex from enforcing any format. I´ll paste the line again, but I am quite sure I am using the template literals correctly:

this.setState(prevState => ({
  value: `${prevState.value}${result}`.replace( `${/^\d*([/\+-/*=]\d+)*$/gi}` )

You do not need the template literal for the replace, regular expression, but you also do need to escape the ., - , and *. You will still need to figure out what you want to replace a match to this expression with and put it as the 2nd argument.

this.setState(prevState => ({
  value: `${prevState.value}${result}`.replace(/^\d*([\/\+-/*=]\d+)*$/gi, replacementValue)

Just remember what ever this regular expression matches, will be replaced by what ever you specify for replacementValue.

I think something like the following may work:

    this.setState(prevState => ({
      value: `${prevState.value}${result}`.replace(/([\/\+-/*=])([\/\+\-\*=])/gi, '$2')

This probably could be a shorter regex, but for now it should work. Basically you have two capture groups for the same same character set. If you get two consecutive characters from the these characters sets, then the character gets replaced by the character in the 2nd capture group.

But is it enforcing the format? (not allowing concatenation of operators, or decimals, etc)

For instance, 5++++5 shouldn´t be allowed, it should only be 5+5. And if you input 5±5 it should automatically become 5-5.

Really? But my previous Regex (I used one before to stop the user from submitting 00) worked fine with this syntax. This is weird. How can I fix it? Thanks a lot for all the effort btw!

By fix it, I mean: make it work the way I intended. I should probably do an if statement to check if the input matches the regex format, AND THEN update state (or return undefined) afterwards, right?

Thank you, this works. Now I just need to add two conditions to the Regex: no leading zeros and no more than one decimal.

Ok, so i got a bunch of Regex. But I don´t know in which order to apply them. For instance:
For instance, removing leading zeros:

 /^0+(?=[1-9])/ (I replace with a zero)

I thought about applying this to the zero button before setting state, but it isn´t working.
Same with this one in the decimal number:

/\.+/g (I replace with one dot)

Any ideas on how to do this? It´s really beggining to be frustrating.