Resume my career as a software engineer at age 39

Dear All

I got my Bachelor degree in Computer Science in 2006, after that I worked as a software developer for one year and a half. Then, in 2008, I changed my career to supply chain domain. I am still working in the supply chain, warehouse manager (12 years). Now, I want to resume the software development career, in the machine learning or general software engineering. Also, I am planning to immigrate to Canada or the US, currently I live in the Middle East

I made the below steps to get into the field again:
1- Started my master degree in Software Development with an American university, online
2- Planning to take several Udacity nano degrees, related to machine learning
3- Started taking Coursera courses about data structure and algorithms
4- Started learning Python and refreshing my Java knowledge

It is a bit mix of feelings, I have a strong desire to come back to software development field and start my new life in Canada. But, I have the below concerns or questions that I need to clarify:

1-My age now is 39 years
2- Are the above steps enough to get me into the field again? if not, what do you suggest?
3- How the employers will act upon my career changes and return, after those so many years?
4- Is there any special advice in my own case
5- Do you recommend me to make this change at all?
6- if I started, shall I start from an entry level?


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Hi there,

It does not really matter your age. The most import thing is to demonstrate the skills the employer needs.

It’s OK to pursue with MS degree but not mandatory. Here’s my piece of advice.

  • figure out what the stack and techno you really want (front, back end, full stack, mobile, desktop dev…)
  • make a plan to get those skills
  • find a mentor to help you

Once you know what you really want, you can dedicate 6 to 8 months to get those skills.

thanks Bam92

what is the most wanted stack or field in Canada or Australia?