Reverse string with for...of explanation?

I am familiar with reversing strings using split,reverse,join, and reverse for loops but I don’t understand how exactly does this for…of loop reverse the string? Can someone explain. I did change
reversed = reversed + char and it prints the normal string but I don’t understand how does it reverse a string.

function reverse(str){
  let reversed = "";
  for(let char of str){
    reversed = char + reversed;
  return reversed;

char will be each letter of the str, so you are “adding” each char to the previous chars (reversed).

const str = 'Danilo';
let reversed = '';
for (let char of str) {
    // char will be D, a, n, i, l, o
   //in the first interaction the reversed will be D, then will be a + D = aD, then n + aD = naD and so on
  reversed = char + reversed;

did i help?

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Thanks. Nice explanation.

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