Review: The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0

This is my review of ‘The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0’ by Rob Percival. I bought this course primarily to sharpen my existing front-end skills. After going through the content, I found that it is excellent for beginners as you get exposure to a lot of content. However, it’s not that useful if you want to improve your skills in a particular topic. It just sets the stage for you to learn more about any language after covering the basics. You get to make a lot of projects along with 1 year of free web hosting on Eco Web Hosting. You also get the e-book ‘How to Earn $10,000 while Learning to Code’ by Rob Percival ,$10 discount on the X Theme among other benefits.


The forum of the course is very active and quite helpful too. Either fellow students or Rob himself will answer. To seek advice or anything, you can also message Rob privately and he does get back in a while.


Short,crisp videos that are nice to listen to. Some videos are big but you would not feel lost and bored.


Great course for beginners. If you want to supplement your knowledge in any particular topic, try out resources specifically meant for that topic.