Rock-Paper-Scissors game not working

I recently started learning python, and as an exercise, decided to make a simple tic-tac-toe game. However, when I try to load it, it just hangs. At first, I figured it was a problem with my editor, but I tried uploading it onto online editors, and it keeps giving the same error at line 12 (the first instance of using string literal method). The code is as follows:

from random import randint

hum_score = 0
comp_score = 0

while hum_score and comp_score != 3:
    hum_decision = input("rock, paper, or scissor?")
    comp_options = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissor']
    comp_decision = comp_options[randint(0,2)]
    if hum_decision == 'rock' and comp_decision == 'paper':
        comp_score += 1
        print(f"Computer chose paper, you lose this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
    elif hum_decision == 'rock' and comp_decision == 'scissor':
        hum_score += 1
        print(f"Computer chose scissor, you win this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
    elif hum_decision == 'paper' and comp_decision == 'scissor':
        comp_score += 1
        print(f"Computer chose scissor, you lose this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
    elif hum_decision == 'paper' and comp_decision == 'rock':
        hum_score += 1
        print(f"Computer chose rock, you win this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
    elif hum_decision == 'scissor' and comp_decision == 'rock':
        comp_score += 1
        print(f"Computer chose rock, you lose this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
    elif hum_decision == 'scissor' and comp_decision == 'paper':
        hum_score += 1
        print(f"Computer chose paper, you win this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
    elif hum_decision == comp_decision:
        print("Computer chose the same, this round is a draw.")
    if hum_score == 3:
        print ("Contragulations, you won!")
    if comp_score == 3:
        print("Sorry, you lost!")

It was working before, I forgot what exactly I changed, but am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Try single quotes.

Also in python indentation is important, so try to format your code.

I can’t say why it hangs, but the condition in your while loop doesn’t look right. hum_score is not being compared to 3 – if you fully parenthesize the logical expression, it would look like this:

while (hum_score) and (comp_score != 3):

As for the error, what is the error? Nobody can help without that kind of detail.

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I’ve edited your post for readability. When you enter a code block into a forum post, please precede it with a separate line of three backticks and follow it with a separate line of three backticks to make easier to read.

See this post to find the backtick on your keyboard. The “preformatted text” tool in the editor (</>) will also add backticks around text.

Note: Backticks are not single quotes.


@hye345 When I run your code, it doesn’t hang, it just exits immediately. I think @chuckadams has found the correct reason why.

Thanks for the replies everyone, and P.S. I meant rock-paper-scissor game, not tic-tac-toe… not sure why I confused them :grin:

The error I was getting, for some reason, I’m unable to reproduce this morning… it said something about invalid syntax. But, I decided to go off on a limb and add parentheses to the boolean statement in the while loop, that seemed to do the trick. Still a bit confused… didn’t think those would be required, since they don’t seem to be required for the for-loops.

Assuming you mean this line:

while hum_score and comp_score != 3:

There’s nowhere you could insert parentheses that would make the logic of this consistently correct. If you parenthesize like this:

while (hum_score and comp_score) != 3:

It fails for these four results:

hum_score comp_score Expected Actual
0 3 False True
3 0 False True
3 1 False True
3 2 False True

That’s because if you and two values in Python, you get the first one that is falsy or the last one if both are truthy. So 3 and 1 == 1, and 0 and 3 == 0, neither of which equal 3.

Instead, you could compare both values to 3 individually, or you could use the max function and compare the result to 3.

I think I got it working (it now has option to either play again, or quit).

from random import randint

while True:
    hum_score = 0
    comp_score = 0
    while hum_score != 3 and comp_score != 3:
        hum_decision = input("rock, paper, or scissor? ")
        comp_options = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissor']
        comp_decision = comp_options[randint(0,2)]
        if hum_decision == 'rock' and comp_decision == 'paper':
            comp_score += 1
            print(f"Computer chose paper, you lose this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
        elif hum_decision == 'rock' and comp_decision == 'scissor':
            hum_score += 1
            print(f"Computer chose scissor, you win this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
        elif hum_decision == 'paper' and comp_decision == 'scissor':
            comp_score += 1
            print(f"Computer chose scissor, you lose this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
        elif hum_decision == 'paper' and comp_decision == 'rock':
            hum_score += 1
            print(f"Computer chose rock, you win this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
        elif hum_decision == 'scissor' and comp_decision == 'rock':
            comp_score += 1
            print(f"Computer chose rock, you lose this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
        elif hum_decision == 'scissor' and comp_decision == 'paper':
            hum_score += 1
            print(f"Computer chose paper, you win this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")
        elif hum_decision == comp_decision:
            print("Computer chose the same, this round is a draw.")
        if hum_score == 3:
            print ("Contragulations, you won!")
        if comp_score == 3:
            print("Sorry, you lost!")
    new_round = input("Do you want to play again? Press Y or N. ")
    if new_round == "N":
        print("Thanks for playing!")

I’m starting to think the original error message had to do with the compiler: now, when I paste the code into this online python compiler, it gives this error:

 File "/home/", line 12                                                                                                                
    print(f"Computer chose paper, you lose this round! The score is {hum_score} to {comp_score}")                                              
SyntaxError: invalid syntax   

But, when I paste it into THIS compiler, it works perfectly.

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I suspect the problem is that OnlineGDB is running an older version of python that doesn’t understand the f"" prefix on strings.