SASS Q: Can we pass mixins as argument/parameter?

Im playing around SASS for now and been loving mixins. And Ive been experiencing writing media queries and feature queries a lot. And i just thought if i could make the code more readable. Ive been googling, and but i think it isn’t possible. Am I right?

So I’ve tried these:

  • returning as a function


@function grid-support($mixin)
  @return #{
      @supports(display: grid)

        display: grid

grid-support(@include some-mixin())

//syntax error
  • as a mixin


@mixin grid-support($mixin)
        @supports (display: grid)
            @include $mixin

        display: grid

@include grid-support(some-mixin())

//wrong again

Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts about this. :slight_smile:

Thank you Randell, I thought I need to specify the language, turns out, it isn’t needed