Setting up stack for Timestamp microservice

I’m somewhat lost as to where to start with my Timestamp Microservice…I deployed the clementine vm as well as all the github stuff. I’m not sure how to proceed for here on…

-Do I have to create a file.js somewhere in the directory tree? If so, where?

-I edited the public/index.html file with the user stories and examples. After doing a commit, nothing is showing up.

I personally find clementine a bit overkill for the microservice api projects. I actually haven’t used it in any of my projects, though I know people who have and liked it. The most important thing for the project you are on is to learn how to get a server running (Express.js is very simple) with working routes. When you are using a server, you must restart it when making changes. There are more advanced tools which you may encounter later on. One tool that is good to start with is the npm package called nodemon. This package automatically restarts your server when it sees changes to the files.

You will need a server file (usually named app.js or server.js), a routes file, and an html page to be served. You won’t need a database or the github authentication for this project. If you are still not comfortable with Express, checkout the expressjs website and follow the links under getting started.

Hopefully this points you in the right direction and don’t be afraid to ask people in the FreeCodeCamp/HelpBackEnd room on Gitter.

I just watched a really nice webinar to help solidify the idea of keeping a routes file seperate from a server file. I was watching it for a different reason to you, but it’ll show you someone building a simple todo app from scratch and it features all the techniques you’ll need for the timestamp challenge.