Simon game problem

can anybody help me with a function,the one named fire_all_boxes,it should play sounds one after the other,instead of that it plays all the sounds at the same time,here is the codepen

First of all, I’ll just point out the javascript convention that fire_all_boxes should be fireAllBoxes - it may seem silly, but it will get you some odd looks in the JS community.

As for your problem:

  1. fire_all_boxes gets called 20 times every time the button is pushed because it’s called inside a for loop. Why?
  2. Each box is called one at a time. It is turned black and then a timeout is set to turn it back to it’s regular color at 2 seconds in the future. And then (and this is really important) javascript does not wait but moves onto the next thing. Many programming languages are synchronous - they wait for each thing to get done before moving onto the next. JS does not do that. It has a task to do in 2 seconds but just keeps working on other things until that 2 seconds is up. JavaScript is asynchronous, This is an important concept. It’s frustrating at first, but there are many advantages to this in a web environment. In order to get the buttons to do what you want, you’re going to have to not just set up a timeout for when you want the button to turn back but when you want it to turn on, a cascade of setTimeout functions with calculated delays. Time to do some math.
  3. On line 18, you would be better served with a switch statement. Anytime you have a chain of if/else statements checking for different equalities, then a switch statement is called for.
switch (num_box) {
  case 1:
    // code here
  case 2:
    // code here
  case 3:
    // code here
  case 4:
    // code here