Simon says colors flash once on random duplicate color and storing click value off user in array

I recently updated my Simon says project with help from Freecodecamp forum and StackOverflow. My latest issue is when a color is chosen randomly more than one time it does not properly change opacity from 1 to 0.23 and back again. If color randomly is equal 3 or 2 times in a row. eg(blue blue) lits up only once and sound plays the right amount of times it should change. Next i am having trouble keeping track of clicks on color squares. I tried pushing this value into userClick array and codepen cannot display output due to it being to long. Here is my latest updated Simon says game

I certainly know of developer tools in chrome. I am only unsure about the output in my userClick array does not match the classVariable array which only contains the particular div color class . name chosen by random Math.floor(Math.random() * color.length) function. useClick usually displays a div value and not just a class name example [] instead of .green as in my classVariable [".green"]. i also fixed the duplicate color not indecate properly by replacing my .css with fadeTo and fadeOut - fadeIn.