Simple word replacer in react-help

Hello everyone. I am trying to make a simple react component that has a button that changes one word into another when pressed.
However my code is failing, and I don’t know why.
Thanks in advance.

        class Funny extends React.Component {
            state = {
              word: 'Love'
        handleClick = (e) => {
          this.setState ({
            word: 'Burn'
render () {
          return ( 
            <div className="test"> 
        <button OnClick={this.handleClick}>'Dont do it bro.'</button> 
              <p> {this.state.word} the puppies </p>
        ReactDOM.render(<Funny />, document.getElementById('Funny'));

capitalization matters, heres more info:

Oof, I am still getting a “missing {” error though.

Your render statement seems to be broken.

proper syntax ( docs )

ReactDOM.render(element, container[, callback])

hint: container