Smallest Common Multiple do not pass last challenge

Can someone help me by inspecting my code and let me know why it does not pass the challenges.

function smallestCommons(arr) {
	arr = arr.sort((a,b) => a-b);
	var len = arr[1] - arr[0] + 1;
	var cmmd = arr[arr.length - 1] * arr[arr.length - 1];
	var rangeArr = new Array(len).fill(arr[0]).map((x,ind) => x + ind);
	var tester = rangeArr.every(x => cmmd % x == 0) ? false : true;
	while (tester) {
		cmmd ++;
		tester = rangeArr.every(x => cmmd % x == 0) ? false : true;
	return cmmd;


rangeArr.every(x => cmmd % x === 0) already returns either true or false,
you don’t need ? true : false part.

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Thank you guys. Very constructive comments.
I was aware that my algorithm is not that efficient, I did not look up the math formula for this task. I wanted to see if I am able to come up with a solution of my own.
Based on your comments, I have made some small corrections to my code, but still I had to use the “// noprotect” to be able to pass the tests.

function smallestCommons(arr) {
arr = arr.sort((a,b) => a-b);
var len = arr[1] - arr[0] + 1;
var cmmd = arr[arr.length - 1] * arr[arr.length - 1];
var rangeArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {rangeArr.push(arr[0] + i);}
var tester = true;
while (tester) {
cmmd ++;
tester = !rangeArr.every(x => cmmd % x == 0);
return cmmd;


Thanks a lot and keep up with your comments. It helps a lot a beginner like me :slight_smile: