Social Media Icon Help

I’ve working on the personal website project for the first group of html projects and I can’t for the life of me figure out how how to create social media icons. I’ve found free ones online, but besides the fact none of the ones I like seem to have GitHub, I want to ACTUALLY learn how to make them, and interactive too!

They don’t seem like normal buttons or hosted images… Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Here’s my page so far!

https://codepen. io/soulsk8r/full/EKzZXo/

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add this link to your portfolio page

<link href = "//" rel="stylesheet" >

then you can use the font awesome to add social media buttons using bootstrap

heres a list of all the ones u can use out of the box

for example to add a github icon

<a href = yourgithublink class = "btn btn-github"> <span class = "fa fa-github"></a>


by the way how did you do that contact section at the end ? i was under the impression we needed php to do that ?

thanks! that was really useful!
and nope. the prettiness was done primarily in CSS, specifically webkit (for chrome) and moz (firefox). I’ve commented off the sections in my html and CSS if you want to take a closer look.

Have you thought about trying font awesome?

hey buddy nice to see ya again !

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