Solution Feedback - Map the Debris

My solution for this problem doesn’t match any of the listed solutions, so was looking for feedback if my solution has any meaningful issues. Thanks in advance!


function orbitalPeriod(arr) {
  var GM = 398600.4418;
  var earthRadius = 6367.4447;
  return => ({name:, orbitalPeriod: Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(earthRadius + obj.avgAlt,3) / GM) * (2 * Math.PI))}));

orbitalPeriod([{name : "sputnik", avgAlt : 35873.5553}]);

I’ll check out the one you referenced. The ones that I looked at were deleting a property and adding a new property.

I didn’t have a specific concern…I was thinking that doing name: might have not been the best way to handle since nothing was really changing here. That felt a bit hardcoded in nature instead of programmatically handling it.